Wednesday 31 July 2013

Front Squat/Jerk Practice/AMRAP

July 31, 2013

- Front Squat
3-2-1 x 3
--> 225-245-265
--> 245-265-285
--> 265-285-305

Jerk Practice:
- worked on foot placement technique and got up to 215# for a set of 3

20 min. AMRAP:
- 5 C2B Pull-ups
- 10 Wall Ball (20#, 10ft.)
- 15 KB Swings (2 pd.)
Score: 10 RNDS + 7 Wall Ball

- rest up then coach all afternoon from 3:30-9:30

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Long Days Ahead

July 30, 2013

Clean + Jerk (max for the day)

Snatch Pulls

- 800m Run
- T2B
- HSPU's
- 1000m Row

Time: 15:58

Monday 29 July 2013


July 29, 2013

- Heavy Back Squat
--> Worked up to 315# for 6 reps

- EMOM for 15 min:
- 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (TnG)
--> Used 175# and completed

For Time:
- Rope Climbs (15')
* = 15 OHS (95#)
Time: 8:50

Friday 26 July 2013

1 RM Squat and Helen

July 26, 2013

1 RM Back Squat
345# (missed 365# twice)

3 Rounds:
- 400m Run
- 21 KB Swings (1.5 pd)
- 12 Pull-ups

Time: 9:12 (PR)

- not happy with how the squat went (although I haven't been training strength or squatted very heavy much it's not a terrible number)
- Helen could've been much better as well (I think yesterday just did a huge number on me... still happy I PR'd and a big one)
- Legs feel like they're about 4495748723490 pounds right now though

Thursday 25 July 2013

EMOM and 100's

July 25, 2013

EMOM 20 min.
- minutes 1-5: 5 Power Cleans (135#)
- minutes 6-10: 3 Power Cleans (185#)
- minutes 11-15: 2 Power Cleans (205#)
- minutes 16-20: 1 Power Clean (225#) every 30 sec.

"100's 2013"
For Time:
- 100 Wall Ball (20#)
- 100 C2B Pull-ups
- 100 Pistols (alternating)
- 100 Alternating One-Arm Snatches (70# DB)
Time: 33: 42

- Got 44 Snatches in the 25 minute cap... nasty WOD

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Done with Mainsite

July 23, 2013

3 RM Front Squat with a 3 sec. pause every rep
- worked up to and completed 275#

3 x Max reps Muscle-ups with 3:00 rest between efforts
Scores: 6(PR)-5-4

- Squat Cleans (135#)
- Ring Dips
Time: 9:24 PR

13.5 Repeat

July 22, 2013

WOD #1:
4 min. AMRAP:
- 15 Thrusters (100#)
- 15 C2B Pull-ups
* If 3 rounds are completed then it becomes an 8 min. AMRAP and so on...

Score: 2 rounds + 11 Pull-ups (86 reps)

- Ended the re-open in 122nd place overall... pretty happy and excited to see how 2014 rolls out

WOD #2:
- 10 Shoulder Press
- 15 OHS
- 20 Push Press
- 25 Front Squats
- 30 Push Jerks
- 35 Back Squat
all at 115#
Time: 9:25

Saturday 20 July 2013

Early Friday Session

July 19,2013

Thruster 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
*used a rack

5 Rounds:
- 3 Power Cleans (205#)
- 10 Burpee Pull-ups
Time: 10:40

Thursday 18 July 2013

13.4 Re-do

July 18, 2013

7 min. AMRAP:
- 3 Clean and Jerks (135#)
- 3 T2B 
- 6 Clean and Jerks
- 6 T2B
- 9 Clean and Jerks
- 9 T2B

Score: 90 reps (finished the 15's)

- 122 after 4 weeks... This one was a little disappointing but whatevs

- Gonna go to the track and do some sprints tonight for just something extra

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Hero WOD's are NO JOKE!

July 16, 2013

For Time:
- 50 Walking Lunge Steps
- 25 C2B's
- 50 Box Jumps (24")
- 25 Triple Unders
- 50 Good Mornings (45#)
- 25 Ring Dips
- 50 K2E
- 25 2-fer-1 Wall Ball
- 50 Sit-ups
- 5 Rope Climbs (15')
Time: 29:50

- The triple unders were not easy... took about 8 minutes to get through those.

Monday 15 July 2013

I Need to Start Running More

July 15, 2013

WOD #1:
5 Rounds:
- 400m Run
- 21 Deadlift (185#)
Time: 15:00

- Atrocious....

Rest  ~15 minutes then...

"Nasty Girls"
3 Rounds:
- 50 Air Squats
- 7 Muscle-ups
- 10 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
Time: 11:00

- I think I PR'd both WOD's... pretty happy about the Nasty Girls time after the forst WOD.

Friday 12 July 2013

Good Day?

July 12, 2013

- Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

For Time:
- 20 KB Swings (2 pd.)
- 30 T2B
- 400m Run
Time: 3:40

- STOKED about that snatch PR!
- I guess lifting in regular shoes doesn't really matter after all... screw OLY shoes!

Thursday 11 July 2013

13.3 Repeat

July 11, 2013

12 min. AMRAP:
- 150 Wall Balls (20#)
- 90 Dubs
- 30 Muscle-ups

Score: 14 Muscle-ups into first round (6 rep PR)

- Tied for 90th place in the Open after 3 weeks


July 9, 2013

12 min. AMRAP:
- 4 Shoulder Press (75#)
- 8 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (75#)
- 12 Front Squats (75#)

Score: 10 + 2 Front Squats

- Felt a lot better here than I did the day before.

Monday 8 July 2013

Realization is Key

July 8, 2013

Clean and Jerk
135-155-185-215-225-245-265(failed jerk)-265-275(failed clean)-275(failed jerk)

18 min. AMRAP:
- 200m Run
- 9 Deadlift (275)
- 6 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
Score: 1 + 5 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups

- Today I came to the realization that you can't always be the best... Just wasn't a good day for and I'll get over it and move on. I've switched to not using OLY shoes anymore so just using the Reebok nano's will take some getting used to for the heavier lifts especially. I also tore a nice pair of blisters on my left palm during the second round of bar muscle-ups so that just mentally pushed me into the dirt and held me there for the last of the workout where I spent 7 minutes trying to get one more bar muscle-up that just would not come.

- On the positives though I did more bar muscle-ups than I've ever done before today so I'm a little pleased with the day.


Saturday 6 July 2013

100th Post

July 5, 2013

- 500m Row
- 30 Bench Press (Bodyweight)
- 1000m Row
- 20 Bench Press
- 2000m Row
- 10 Bench Press

Time: 36:04

- Bodyweight was 205# today... don't really think I could have done that for all those reps so I used 185#

- This was another long mainsite grinder

- Gonna be done with following a program for about a month after the open WOD's are done until rugby (then follow a strength/gymnastics biased program) then getting individual programming from Jeremy Kinnick

- Might follow a 3 week Smolov Squat cycle once August starts before rugby just for some fun

Thursday 4 July 2013

Second Round

July 4, 2013

WOD #1:
10 min. AMRAP:
- 5 Shoulder to Overhead (115)
- 10 Deadlift (115)
- 15 Box Jumps (24")

Score: 9 + 3 Box Jumps (288 Reps)
-76th after 2 weeks in Canada East

WOD #2:
EMOM for 15 min.
- 6 Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunges (185#)

- Completed and it's gonna hurt tomorrow!

Tuesday 2 July 2013


July 2, 2013

Overhead Squat: 3-3-3-3-3
- starting a thing of never lifting in OLY shoes again... need to regain the hip/ankle mobility I feel that I have lost through them.

WOD #1:
15 min. AMRAP:
- 15 C2B Pull-ups
- 30 sec. Ring L-sit

Score: 4 + 8 sec.

REST 15 min.

WOD #2:
10 min. AMRAP:
- 5 Deadlifts (185)
- 100 yd. Sprint

Score: 14 + 5 deads